Relapse Prevention Programs in Morristown

/Relapse Prevention Programs in Morristown
Relapse Prevention Programs in Morristown2019-01-17T03:40:34+00:00

Relapse Prevention Programs in Morristown, NJ


At Morristown Drug Treatment Centers, we often talk about the “lifelong journey of recovery.” This is because there is no “cure” for addiction – it can only be controlled through remission and abstinence. This is also why relapse prevention programs are considered a crucial part of the treatments we offer. Relapse prevention is the primary goal of the aftercare phase of our recovery treatment, and our relapse prevention programs are thoughtfully designed to confer as many benefits as possible.


Rate of Relapse


Persons suffering from addiction relapse on average at a rate similar to those who suffer from heart disease and diabetes. This number is somewhere between 40 and 60 percent, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. This is why relapse prevention programs are part of the foundation on which a successful treatment and recovery system is built. As such, these programs aim to educate those recovering from addiction about the mechanics of relapse, and to provide them with the necessary skills to support long-term recovery.


The Mechanics of Relapse


When an individual who is recovering from addiction uses an addictive substance, it’s referred to as a lapse. When the lapse results in a return to compulsive and habitual use, it’s then referred to as a relapse.


It is widely thought that relapse occurs in three stages. The first of these is referred to as emotional relapse, and is typified by negative emotions, such as anger and sadness, that could lead to a desire to use. Mental relapse is what we call the second stage, and is exemplified by conscious thoughts about returning to addictive behaviors. The relapse is in full swing when it reaches the final stage, physical relapse, which involves the individual actually falling into pre-recovery behaviors.  


Methods and Techniques


Relapse prevention programs involve a broad range of activities that are designed to accommodate unique personal needs. Individual and group therapy as well as educational classes help those in recovery to develop important skills, such as how to recognize and avoid high-risk situations, how to create an effective plan of action in the event of relapse, and how to cope with cravings.


Individuals are also counseled on specific ways to increase their odds of long-term successful recovery, which include things like taking up new hobbies, building healthy relationships, improving general health, and participating in ongoing peer support groups.


Relapse Doesn’t End Recovery


Relapse is one of the greatest fears of many people who are recovering from addiction. Here at Morristown Drug Treatment Centers, we want to help people understand that while our priority is to encourage, support, and foster successful recovery through abstinence, we are also realistic about the fact that relapse is not uncommon. Rather than viewing relapse as a failed attempt at recovery, we encourage people to realize that when dealt with quickly and effectively, relapse can be a chance for evaluating progress of the recovery, and identifying and developing missing skills or strategies that could prevent additional relapses.