Meth Addiction in Morristown

/Meth Addiction in Morristown
Meth Addiction in Morristown2019-01-17T03:40:33+00:00

Meth Addiction in Morristown, NJ


Methamphetamine is a potent and powerfully addictive stimulant. Commonly known as just “meth,” it’s a highly illegal controlled substance that induces euphoria by drastically increasing the brain’s uptake of dopamine, the so-called “pleasure compound.” Like other addictions, meth addiction is capable of leading to changes in the brain’s function and structure, particularly in regard to its capacities for learning and memory.  


While methamphetamine abuse is gradually becoming less common, recent surveys indicate that several hundred thousand people in the U.S. still use meth each month, and that the average age of a first-time meth user is 19 years.


Effects of Meth Use


The immediate effects of meth use tend to feel overwhelmingly positive to the user, as it has chemical properties which produce intense euphoria, alertness, and desire for interaction. The negative effects of the drug, however unnoticeable they may seem to a first-time user, are actually far more significant and extensive.


Meth acts as a stimulant to the central nervous system, increasing body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure while suppressing the appetite. The effects of long-term abuse are both dangerous and disturbing, and include severe malnutrition, damage to vital organs, infection, and tooth and gum decay.


Treating Meth Addiction


Addiction is considered by the National Institute of Health to be a chronic and relapsing disease, one which requires professional medical attention in order to be successfully controlled. High quality treatment and recovery programs, like the ones offered through Morristown Drug Treatment Centers, consist of several phases.


The first step is medical detox, in which health professionals from various fields provide guidance, supervision, and palliative care for individuals entering recovery. The goal of detoxification is to eliminate the brain’s physical dependence on addictive substances. From there, the program will move on to addressing the underlying addiction.


The next phase is characterized by participation in a wide range of intensive therapies that are intended to help those suffering from addiction to self-evaluate. Progress occurs incrementally as individuals learn to identify self-destructive thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors and replace them with self-supportive ones. Along the way, clients will be developing a vital set of skills and strategies for combating addictive tendencies and dealing with triggers for addictive behavior.


Finally, a successful treatment and recovery program will include a plan for aftercare. This consists of a highly personalized set of goals designed to support successful long-term recovery, and often involves ongoing group and individual therapy as well as educational and vocational guidance, among other things.


Where There is Hope, There is Life


Here at Morristown Drug Treatment Centers, we like to echo the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in their belief that hope is the foundation of recovery from addiction. Hope that your situation can improve often marks the entrance into recovery, and can serve as the “light at the end of the tunnel” when the journey becomes difficult and tiring. The support of health professionals and the benefits of a high quality treatment program can aid you in achieving an increased sense of well-being as you work to improve your quality of life in every regard.