Moral Reconation Therapy in Morristown

/Moral Reconation Therapy in Morristown
Moral Reconation Therapy in Morristown2019-01-17T03:40:33+00:00

Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) in Morristown, NJ


Addictive behaviors are almost always underpinned by complex personal issues, and it is common for these issues to stem from past traumas or other sources of unresolved stress. When this stress causes chronic negativity, it becomes natural for a person to fall into a habit of escapism, or pleasure seeking and pain avoidance. All too often, methods of escape either begin with or end up as drug abuse, and a new addiction is spawned. Moral Reconation Therapy, which is a sub-type of cognitive-behavioral therapy, has the goal of interrupting this pattern by improving the moral reasoning skills of people suffering from addiction.


Is MRT Effective?


Despite its relatively recent development, MRT is supported by a large body of research as being an effective treatment method for those facing addiction. More than 75 studies have demonstrated that MRT has a range of positive benefits in the lives of addicted individuals, including improved self-esteem, increased sense of purpose in life, increased principled reasoning skills, healthier expression of negative emotions, and a reduction in thrill-seeking behavior.


MRT Methodology


In addition to all the negative physical effects of drug abuse, addiction has serious consequences on mental health. Individuals suffering from addiction report significantly lower levels of self-esteem and clearly demonstrate decreased levels of self-reliance when compared to individuals without addictive behaviors. These in turn take a heavy toll on the ability to maintain healthy relationships, make healthy choices, and live a balanced lifestyle.


MRT focuses on boosting self-worth by helping individuals identify purpose within their lives, set personal goals, and make empathy-based decisions. The foundation of this style of treatment is honesty. Participants practice honesty with themselves and with others, gradually learning strategies that allow them to identify self-destructive thought patterns and behaviors, and replacing them with self-supportive ones.


The Steps of MRT


MRT consists of a 16-step curriculum designed to be administered by a trained facilitator in a group setting. Self-assessments that revolve around confronting false beliefs and forming a positive self-concept are used to elevate participants’ level of self-awareness while improving their decision-making abilities. As progress is made across the curriculum, individuals typically encounter an improved sense of well-being and demonstrate a tendency to make more empathy-based decisions.


Broad Benefits


MRT doesn’t have any extensive academic requirements, and is designed to address a wide range of learning styles by using individualized assignments and group interactions that evaluate and address unique personal issues. It’s been shown to be an effective treatment for those going through treatment voluntarily as well as for those whose treatment is mandatory. In addition to receiving immediate motivation in the recovery process, MRT participants leave the treatment program with a new set of strategies and abilities that help support their lifelong journey of recovery. At Morristown Drug Treatment Centers, we recognize MRT is just one of the many aspects of a successful treatment program.