Alcoholism and Treatment in Morristown

/Alcoholism and Treatment in Morristown
Alcoholism and Treatment in Morristown2019-01-17T03:40:33+00:00

Alcoholism and Treatment in Morristown, NJ


In our culture, alcohol abuse is often seen as normal. Unfortunately, this can lead many people to think that their drinking habit isn’t really a problem, even after it has begun to negatively impact their relationships, finances, health, and lifestyle. When drinking has developed into a compulsive habit that is resistant to change, you’re facing alcoholism. Alcoholism can be dismissed as just a minor “drinking problem,” but in actuality affects the very functions and structures of the brain.


Treatment is Essential


Without treatment, alcoholism is an addiction that can be deadly. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the most successful way to treat addiction is with a holistic approach that includes medically supervised detoxification.  Addiction is a pervasive chemical and biological process that affects memory and learning. Making the effort to quit alone can require bravery, but rarely results in successful long-term recovery.


Interrupting the cycle of remission and relapse is much easier with professional treatment and guidance. Here at Morristown Drug Treatment Centers, we want to not only change your physical health for the better, but also address the complex issues that tend to underpin addictive behavior. Our research-based methodologies can help with recovery from alcoholism by teaching helping you develop effective strategies to identify and deal with triggers that cause cravings, stress, and relapse.


A Holistic Approach


The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration emphasizes the complex and highly personal nature of recovery from addiction, in which individuals seek to improve their well-being in many aspects using a wide variety of methods.    


At Morristown Drug Treatment Centers, we believe that offering high quality treatment programs means providing many kinds of traditional as well as alternative therapies that can be tailored to the needs of individuals. We strive to be able to address the underlying issues that precipitate alcoholism, including but not limited to trauma, mental illness, or unresolved stress.


We want our clients to have the opportunity to learn skills that will allow them to replace damaging thoughts and behaviors with self-supportive ones, as well as cope with stress and addictive cravings.


As part of this holistic approach, our treatment programs address individual needs on many fronts, including medical and mental health care, housing and legal assistance, and education and vocational guidance.


Understanding and Preventing Relapse


The ultimate goal of recovery from alcoholism is total abstinence. During treatment, clients learn about the biology of addiction and relapse, and work on putting together a toolkit of coping strategies that deal with general as well as specific triggers that can lead to relapse.


Relapse in individuals who have completed treatment for alcoholism is fairly common, but isn’t indicative that the treatment failed. Instead, it’s a minor setback on what is a difficult and life-long journey.


It sometimes requires more than one round of treatment to enjoy long-term abstinence, but most individuals who enter treatment encounter extensive benefits. These include improved self-worth, added purpose in life, a healthier lifestyle, and increase overall well-being.