Drug Addiction And Rehab in Morristown

/Drug Addiction And Rehab in Morristown
Drug Addiction And Rehab in Morristown2019-01-17T03:40:33+00:00

Drug Addiction And Rehab in Morristown, NJ


At Morristown Drug Treatment Centers, we recognize that addiction is a serious and chronic illness that affects not only the lives of the addicted, but also the lives of those who care about them. According to the experts at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, successfully recovering from an addictive lifestyle nearly always requires professional help, and that’s what we’re here to provide.


Understanding Addiction vs. Dependence


Addiction is more than a habit – it can be defined as the inability to stop using even when faced with severe negative consequences for your health and lifestyle. Addiction can physically change the way the brain functions in regard to learning and memory.


Dependence, meanwhile, occurs when the body develops a need for a particular substance. With chronic drug abuse, the brain’s chemical makeup is altered in order to compensate for the presence of the drug. When this altered state becomes the new “normal,” dependence has set in, and with it comes the potential for serious withdrawal symptoms if the drug use is stopped.


That’s where rehab come in. The goal of rehab in general, and our personal goal at Morristown Drug Treatment Centers, is to aid in returning the brain’s functions to normal and to improve the health and lifestyle of those suffering from addiction.


Treating Dependence and Addiction


Treating addiction and dependence is a multi-phase process. The first phase is detoxification, or allowing the addictive substance to be completely removed from the body. This phase is referred to as “medical detox” when it involves the help and supervision of medical professionals. In addition to medications, medical detox often makes use of alternative treatments and therapies. It’s important to note, however, that this phase only works toward dissolving the physical dependence, not the addiction itself.


Treating the addiction is more complicated, and usually requires addressing the underlying issues that led to the addictive lifestyle in the first place. These often include past traumas, mental illnesses, and harmful beliefs. High quality programs like those found at Morristown Drug Treatment Centers use proven, research-based therapies to tackle these complex problems.  


For example, cognitive-behavioral therapy is used to help those suffering from addiction learn to replace self-destructive thoughts and habits with healthy ones. A great emphasis is placed on strategies for combating stress and dealing with triggers for addictive behaviors, with the goal of preventing relapse as the priority.  


Why A Holistic Approach is Essential


A problem so complex as addiction rarely has a simple solution. At Morristown Drug Treatment Centers, we echo the opinion of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, as well as the National Institute on Drug Abuse, when they say that a holistic approach to treating addiction will drastically improve the chance of lasting recovery. That’s why our programs encompass a wide variety of methods for treatment, including leading research-based alternative therapies like biofeedback, meditation, and music therapy.


In this way, we strive to address the unique needs of each individual, and our therapy programs are complemented by extensive service offerings such as legal assistance, educational guidance, vocational counseling, and housing assistance.


As recovery is not a one-time achievement, but a life-long journey, we firmly believe that an aftercare plan is a vital part of any addiction recovery program. That’s why we also offer ongoing therapy and medical support, peer support groups, and mental health counseling based on each individual’s situation.


Treatment Works


Successful treatment of addiction is more than a temporary fix. It’s a long-term process that addresses complex issues, during which those suffering from addiction can find increased self-worth, discover more meaning in their lives, and learn to think and behave in self-supportive ways. Acknowledging the need for treatment is often the most difficult part of the process, but accepting help for your situation and undergoing a holistic treatment program can dramatically benefit your quality of life in many aspects, and greatly improve your chances for a successful long-term recovery.