Medical Detox in Morristown

/Medical Detox in Morristown
Medical Detox in Morristown2019-01-17T03:40:33+00:00

Medical Detox in Morristown, NJ


Addiction is more than just a problem. It’s a chronic disease that alters how our brain is structured and how it functions. Detoxification is what we call the process of ridding the body of all traces of the addictive substance, with the goal of returning the brain to its normal functions. It’s the first, most crucial step in recovering from addiction.


What Is Medical Detox?


Medical detox is a specific type of detoxification that involves professional supervision. With medical detox, medications and medically approved therapies are implemented to keep the symptoms of withdrawal under control. In many cases, these methods also work to decrease the amount of time detoxification requires.


Why Medical Detox Is Essential


Detoxification can be a very intense and difficult step in recovery. It frequently involves powerful cravings, extreme bodily discomfort, severe anxiety and depression, and insomnia.


Many people who attempt to go it alone end up turning back to their addiction because of the powerful effects of the withdrawal. Choosing to undergo medical detox drastically improves the chance of the process being successful, and helps immensely with the discomfort involved.


More importantly, medical detox provides a safeguard against the potentially serious health hazards of withdrawal from some substances such as alcohol and benzodiazepines, which include seizures, hallucinations, cardiac arrhythmias, and trouble breathing.


Medical detox involves high-quality treatments under the care of medical and mental health experts, which can include alternative therapies like massage, acupuncture, and guided meditation in addition to carefully chosen medications.


Medications Used In Medical Detox


Medications used in detoxification vary based on the nature of the addiction, as well as the symptoms of withdrawal.


Alcohol Withdrawal


Some examples of medications used for alcohol withdrawal are Neurotonin (for seizures), Paxil (for depression and insomnia), and Chantix (for reducing the intensity of cravings).


Opiate Withdrawal


When dealing with withdrawal from opiates such as heroin and prescription painkillers, Clonidine may be used to alleviate painful body aches, while Paxil can reduce feelings of depression and anxiety. Buprenorphine is also used to treat a variety of symptoms while shortening the duration of the detox process. 


Stimulant Withdrawal


Symptoms of withdrawal from stimulants like cocaine, methamphetamine, and Adderall can include severe depression and anxiety in addition to intense cravings. In these cases, Bupropion is a common choice for reducing the range of associated discomforts.


Sedative Withdrawal


Abuse of sedatives such as Valium and Klonopin can bring about physical dependence as well as addiction. Withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous and include problems with blood pressure, respiratory function, and body temperature. Part of the treatment for these addictions involves weaning from the drug rather than stopping its use at once.


Medical Detox: The First Step


Medical detox is only the first step of recovering. After detox, a variety of traditional and alternative treatments are used to tackle the issues underlying the addiction, with the goal of helping clients replace harmful mental habits with healthier ones, and teaching them coping skills for dealing with stress, cravings, and triggers for addiction.


Treatment is absolutely vital for successful, lasting recovery. The National Institute on Drug Abuse notes that detox alone rarely has a long-term effect on addiction. This is because detox only addresses physical dependence, not the addiction itself. 


A Holistic Approach


The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration advises that a holistic approach to detox and addiction treatment offers the best chance for successful detox and long-term abstinence from addictive behaviors. At, we recommend a combination of medication, research-based natural remedies, and proven alternative therapies that comprise a holistic approach to detox. The goal is to addresses issues that pertain not only to body, but also to mind and spirit.